Dynamic Licensing Solutions

Flexible licensing for adaptive real estate use.

TradeSpace introduces flexible licensing solutions for property owners and businesses, offering both short-term and long-term arrangements. Our licensing models are designed to maximize property utilization, offering flexibility and profitability in today’s dynamic market.

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Short-Term (Satellite) Licensing

Tailored for Rapid Adaptation.

Who is this for?

property owners icon
Property owners.
Property Owners with unused space, or space that is proving difficult to lease.
current property status
Businesses seeking short-term, high-impact presence.


revenue icon

Flex and Flow

Flexible income generation with high turnover potential.

cost-effective icon

Test and Thrive

Opportunity for brands to test markets and concepts with minimal commitment.


property assessment icon
Ideal for prime locations suitable for short-term retail, pop-ups, or temporary business setups.


financial health check
Evaluation of space for foot traffic, accessibility, and market fit.
market analysis icon
Financial feasibility check for interested businesses.



We conduct an assessment of space suitability and market potential.


Craft flexible,
short-term licensing agreements.


Provide ongoing support for both property owners and businesses.



Long-Term Licensing

Establishing Sustainable Partnerships.

Who is this for?

property owners icon
Landlords seeking consistent income streams.
current property status
Businesses desiring a stable location for long-term growth.


cost-effective icon

Steady Stream.

Reliable, steady rental income for property owners.

revenue icon

Settled Success.

Long-term location security for businesses.


property assessment icon
Focused on properties suitable for long-term, stable business operations.


financial health check
In-depth property analysis for long-term suitability.
market analysis icon
Assessment of business stability & growth prospects.



Meticulous matching
of businesses to appropriate properties.


Development of comprehensive
long-term licensing agreements.


Continuous management and support throughout the licensing term.


Frequentlyasked questions.

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Can property owners choose the type of licensing arrangement?

Yes, property owners have the flexibility to choose the type of licensing arrangement that best suits their property and financial goals. TradeSpace works closely with property owners to determine whether short-term or long-term licensing is more appropriate based on the property’s location, characteristics, and the prevailing market demand. We provide expert guidance to help property owners make informed decisions that align with their objectives.

What support does TradeSpace offer throughout the licensing period?

Throughout the licensing period, TradeSpace offers comprehensive support to both the licensees and the property owners. This includes assistance with the initial setup of the space,necessary paperwork, collecting of insurance, ongoing property management services, marketing support for short-term licensees, and regular maintenance. Our aim is to ensure smooth operations and high satisfaction for both parties, maintaining the quality of the property and the success of the businesses operating within it.

What is the typical ROI that investors can expect from these purchases?

The expected ROI varies based on the specific property and project. However, our goal is to maximize investor returns through strategic redevelopment and efficient asset management. We aim for investments that offer significant ROI potential, keeping in mind the risks and market dynamics. Detailed projections are provided to investors for each specific project.

How are licensing fees structured for both short-term and long-term agreements?

Licensing fees for both short-term and long-term agreements are structured based on the specific needs of the arrangement and market rates. For short-term licenses, fees are typically structured as a fixed amount for the duration of the license or as a percentage of sales, suitable for pop-up stores and event spaces. For long-term licenses, fees are usually structured as regular monthly or annual payments, calculated based on the size, location, and specific terms of the agreement. Our fee structures are transparent and designed to be fair and competitive, reflecting the value and flexibility of the licensing arrangement, along with any guidelines laid out in your lease.

TradeSpace’s licensing solutions offer unparalleled flexibility and opportunity for both property owners and businesses. Whether you’re looking to capitalize on short-term market trends or establish a long-term presence, our tailored licensing models can cater to your unique needs.

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