real estate solutions

Transforming spaces into opportunities.

At TradeSpace, we specialize in reimagining real estate to unlock its full potential. Our innovative approach caters to real estate investors, property owners, and leaseholders seeking to revitalize their properties and maximize returns.

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Who is this for?

real estate investors icon
Real Estate Investors
Seeking to diversify their portfolio and increase asset value.
property owners icon
Property Owners
Looking to maximize the potential of their properties.
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Aiming to optimize their leased spaces for higher returns.


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Enhanced Property Valuation.

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Diversified Income Streams.

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Community And Business Ecosystem Benefits.


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Minimum Property Size and Location
We focus on properties with significant space and strategic locations that align with market demands.
current property status
Current Property Status
Ideal for properties that are currently vacant, underutilized, or in need of a new vision to enhance their market value.


financial health check
Financial Health Check
Assessing the financial viability of the proposed project.
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Property Assessment
Detailed examination of the property to ensure it meets our criteria.
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Market Analysis
We conduct thorough market research to ensure the project aligns with current and future market trends.




We begin with a comprehensive evaluation of your property, considering factors like location, size, and current status.


Customized Solution Proposal.

Our team devises a tailored strategy that aligns with your goals and our market insights.


Implementation And Management.

We oversee the entire process from refurbishment to operational management, ensuring a seamless transition and ongoing success.


Explore our real estate opportunities.

At TradeSpace, we offer a variety of real estate solutions to meet diverse needs and objectives. Discover the right opportunity for you:

shared warehouse space calgary

Purchase opportunities.

Tailored for Investors: Ideal for investors looking to acquire strategic real estate assets.

Repurposing Potential: We specialize in identifying properties that can be creatively repurposed for maximum value.

Focus on Distressed Assets: Leveraging opportunities in distressed properties to turn challenges into profitable ventures.

Lease opportunities.

Long-Term Stability: Engage in leases ranging from 10 to 15 years, providing stable and predictable returns.

Tenant Improvement Incentives: Benefit from TI incentives, enhancing the value and appeal of leased spaces.

Flexible Terms: Attractive free rent periods and adaptable terms to suit your strategic goals.

lease opportunities picture

Licensing opportunities.

Short-Term (Satellite) Licensing.

Tailored for Investors: Ideal for investors looking to acquire strategic real estate assets.

Repurposing Potential: We specialize in identifying properties that can be creatively repurposed for maximum value.

Focus on Distressed Assets: Leveraging opportunities in distressed properties to turn challenges into profitable ventures.

Long-Term Licensing.

Stable Income Streams: Ideal for creating sustained rental income over longer periods.

Committed Occupancy: We place companies for terms of at least one year, ensuring consistent usage and revenue.

Partnership Approach: Our long-term licensing is about building lasting relationships that benefit all parties involved.

Each of these opportunities is crafted to provide unique benefits and tailored solutions. Whether you're looking to purchase, lease, or engage in licensing agreements, TradeSpace has the expertise and resources to guide you towards a profitable real estate venture.

Frequentlyasked questions.

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What are the specific criteria for property selection?

Our criteria for property selection include the size and location of the property, its current status (preferably vacant or underutilized), and its potential for transformation. We evaluate each property's unique characteristics, such as its accessibility, surrounding community, and infrastructure, to determine its suitability for our diverse real estate models.

How does TradeSpace create diversified income streams?

TradeSpace creates diversified income streams by repurposing and optimizing real estate assets. This may include transforming spaces into co-warehousing, retail hubs, office spaces, or mixed-use developments. By leveraging the property's unique features and our innovative business model, we generate multiple revenue channels, such as direct leasing, short-term rentals, and value-added services.

What kind of support can property owners expect during implementation?

Property owners can expect comprehensive support throughout the implementation process. This includes market analysis, strategic planning, property refurbishment, and management services. Our team ensures seamless execution from concept to completion, including regular updates and transparent communication throughout the project lifecycle.

Are there specific financial requirements for investors or property owners?

Investors and property owners are required to meet certain financial criteria, which may vary based on the project's scale and nature. Generally, this involves demonstrating financial stability and the ability to commit to the project’s requirements. We conduct a thorough financial health check to ensure alignment of goals and financial capabilities.

How does TradeSpace assess and manage market risks?

At TradeSpace, we are committed to redefining real estate investment. Our team works tirelessly to ensure that each project we undertake not only meets but exceeds our clients' expectations, delivering tangible results and lasting value. Let's transform your property into a thriving hub of opportunity.